Generally, Cut is misinterpreted as Shapes (Round, Oval, Princess, Emerald, Radiant etc).
Cut is indeed the ability to transmit light & sparkle intensely.
This is the most complex & difficult part among the 4Cs.
Cut can be categorized into 3 sections:
Brightness – Internal and external white light reflected from a diamond
Fire – The scattering of white light into all the colors of the rainbow
Scintillation – The amount of sparkle a diamond produces, and the pattern of light and dark areas caused by reflections within the diamond
Carat is the measurement of a diamond’s weight.
The metric “carat” (ct) is defined as 200 milligrams / 0.20 grams.
Each carat (ct) can be subdivided into 100 points / 0.01 carat.
This allows very precise measurements to the hundredth decimal place.
GIA is very strict on the certification process the thousand decimal place has to be exactly “9” in order to be rounded up to the nearest hundredth decimal place.
For example, 2 stones 1.999ct & 1.998ct would be considered 2.00ct & 1.99ct respectively under grading process.